New Release and Experiment — Jacques — A Daiyu Wu Mystery Prequel Short Story

Gloria Oliver
3 min readNov 26, 2021


New Release Time! Booyah!

I mentioned last week that I’d sent off two short stories out for editing, the first being “Jacques” a prequel short story to Black Jade — A Daiyu Wu Mystery.

Well, “Jacques” is now LIVE! I am using it as an experiment to see what difference it makes to do a release through the Kindle Select/Kindle Unlimited.

I do plan to release the story under other retailers and formats once the 90-day hold has passed. And for anyone posting reviews of Black Jade and sends me a link, the story will still be coming your way regardless of the file type needed.

Check out the cover below!

Jacques — A Daiyu Wu Mystery Prequel Short Story

Here’s the current blurb and excerpt.

How many times can a boy lose his home?

When Jacques is transferred to the Buckners Orphans’ Home in 1916 at the age of six, he hopes this will be a place to belong. But a crafty bully named Gary has other plans. Plans that drive Jacques away from the orphanage and to try his luck on the Dallas’ streets.

He’s befriended there by Emmett — a young pickpocket who’s escaped from his wire mob to make his way in the world alone. Things appear bright until Emmett’s past catches up with him. Jacques loses yet another home.

Creating a hidey-hole under a maintenance shed in Dallas City Park, Jacques has few options. But when he gets curious about the odd family that only visits the park during the weekdays, he’s about to reach a new crossroads. He will experience a final strange encounter that will change the rest of his life and perhaps give him what he’d been searching for all along. If he is brave enough to take the first step.

Origin/Prequel short story for Black Jade — A Daiyu Wu Mystery. Stand-alone fiction.


“How’d you do that? Isn’t stealing wrong?”

“Holy bejesus!” The boy jumped backward, sending two wallets flying. “Where the heck did you come from?” He glanced back toward the Dallas Union Terminal. “Where are your parents?”

“Don’t got none.” I hurried to pick up the closest dropped wallet and held it out to him.

The boy threw me a scrunched look, as if not sure what to make of me. “So what do you want?”

“They didn’t know you took stuff. So, how did you do that? Was it magic?”

The scrunched stare deepened. “Do I look like a mark to you?” The boy snorted. “I’m no twit.” He started to walk off, looking around as if expecting someone to jump at him from the spindly shrubs.

Confused, I rushed after him. “No, you’re aces! What you did was amazing. But, it’s wrong, too, right?”

“It’s only wrong if you get caught.” He slowed down a bit and looked me up and down. “What happened to your collar?”

My neck grew hot. I’d forgotten all about it. “A bully.” I stared at the ground, not wanting to say anything more.

“So you ran away. Buckner’s?”

My eyes grew wide, once more amazed by his skills. “How do you know that?”

This made him laugh. “You didn’t notice they make y’all dress the same?”

I had, but unless you’d been to Buckner’s, you wouldn’t know that. “You were there, too?”

He shrugged. “What do they call you, squirt?”

“Jacques.” I watched his face, wanting to see if he would make fun of it, like most others.

“Fancy. I like it.” He gave me a sideways grin and held out his hand. “I’m Emmett, but call me Em.”

Obligatory Pitch! (Apologies!)

If “Jacques” sounds interesting to you, click the button below. If you know someone who would be interested, I’d be super grateful if you’d let them know about it!

Get it now!

Thank you!




Gloria Oliver
Gloria Oliver

Written by Gloria Oliver

Author and Pet Slave. Let me share my worlds with you.

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