Q1 2020 Alien Redemption Release is Coming!
Alien Redemption is almost here!
Yep, better late than never. :P End of February is the current target date. *fingerscrossed*
Sample chapters are up! Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter 3. Give them a look!
Zumaya Publications has assigned the cover to Charles Bernard! YES! Love, love, love his work!
I am super looking forward to seeing what he does for the cover. Squee!
I’ve been fortunate enough to have him assigned to do several other covers of mine. Check out his fabulous talent!
Awesome, right?
I hope to do a cover reveal soon! Also, to celebrate the impending release of my first science fiction novel, the reprints for Inner Demons and Cross-eyed Dragon Troubles ebook versions are FREE through the end of March 2020!
All I ask is for help spreading the word about Alien Redemption. If you can, I would love to see reviews/tweets/pics/FB posts on what you thought about the two free books or the upcoming release of the new novel. Whatever you can do would be fabulous!
Without your help, I am nothing. So thank you in advance!
The Free Books are at Smashwords — available in ePub, Mobi, lbr, PDB, and their online reader. (Let’s celebrate!)
Cross-eyed Dragon Troubles at Smashwords
Thank you!!!